Psychology Programs in the US by State

Where you go to school can be just as important as what you study. Are you looking for in-state tuition and want to stay close to home or are you ready to branch out to a new location? Maybe you’re interested in working in a particular industry and want to be in a state with a broad network and career opportunities. Of course for some of us it really comes down to weather – sun and warm temps may be your biggest deciding factors in choosing a location to study!

Below you can find psychology programs and schools listed by state so you can narrow down your choices and find the perfect program for your needs.

Featured States for Psychology Students

Psychology is a growing field. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the field will increase by 3% from 2019 to 2029.

Psychology, the scientific study of the mind and its functions, is an excellent choice of profession for individuals who exhibit the following qualities:

  • Analytical skills
  • Communication skills
  • Integrity
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Observational skills
  • Patience
  • Problem-solving skills

A degree in psychology opens doors to various careers in research, clinical practice, social work, education, and even marketing. All of these fields benefit from an advanced understanding of the way the human mind functions.

Where you choose to study is of course a personal decision, but there are a few states that really focus on higher education and it shows through their well-funded state programs as well as many private school options. Before pursuing a career in psychology in any state, it is essential to know the expected salary, job prospects, and licensing requirements.


California is a big state. Did you know that 1 in every 7 people in the United Sates lives in California? Wow! And as a big state with such a high population it’s no wonder that California boasts an extensive state university system as well as many well-known and Ivy League private colleges.

The best part of choosing to study psychology in California are the choices: You have many choices of programs and schools as well as specialties and unique psychology fields you could pursue. In smaller states it may be difficult to find a doctorate program in forensic psychology, but not in California!

And of course the weather is a big plus too! Learn more about psychology programs in California.


Massachusetts is home to a number of world-renowned colleges and universities, such as Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), as well as an extensive public university system including UMass Boston and UMass Amherst. Like California, the best part about studying psychology in Massachusetts is your options: You will not lack for opportunities or program disciplines in Massachusetts.

Another point in favor of Massachusetts is its highly regarded educational and healthcare systems, making the state the perfect place to work on internships or clinical placements. Psychology graduates in Massachusetts also have many career opportunities awaiting them.

The weather may not be as nice in Massachusetts as it is in California, but what Massachusetts lacks in sun it makes up for in its rich history. Learn more about psychology programs in Massachusetts.


Virginia is another great state for psychology majors, particularly students who are interested in pursuing a doctorate degree as there are many options for PhD degrees in the state.

Being situated so close to Washington DC, Virginia psychology graduates also often find themselves working in legal or government capacities. Forensic and Industrial-Organizational Psychology are popular career choices in Virginia.

As one of the original 13 colonies, Virginia is also a state steeped in history, making it an exciting and interesting state to live in too! Learn more about psychology programs in Virginia.

Best places to study psychology in the United States